Arches with Kids

Arches National Park
Note: you now need reservations. These are my favorite hikes with kids in Arches:
Devil’s Garden (see map below, farthest north loop)
Landscape Arch - takes about an hour and is really cool to see. Hike is just under 2 miles.
Double Arch - on the Arches Entrance Road in the Windows section of the park. The Parade of Elephants, Turret Arch, the Windows, Cove Arch, Ribbon Arch, Elephant Butte, and the Cove of Caves are all within half a mile of each other in this area.
The Delicate Arch hike is the most famous (on Utah's license plate) its only three miles, but it seems father. It’s in the sun a lot but its pretty dang cool at the end. You can also go to the Delicate Arch viewpoint.
Sand Dune Arch The Sand Dune Arch parking area is about 16 miles from entrance to park. A short half mile brings you to the arch which is perfect for playing around in. Great spot for lunch.
Dead Horse Point – 40 Minutes from Arches entrance